Thursday, December 14, 2006


the shining sun will come with other new things that decorate your world. and "this world" only have you and yourself. what exactly that i'm trying to say? look at us, everyday we wake up as in a brand new day and what happen yesterday has gone by and we just live with what we have today..gammbate!
this new-last month for this year, aku start tinggal dalam rumah sewa yang baru, lebih besar, 2 tingkat, ada 4 bilik dan lebih banyak duit keluar...hehehehe. still, it a nice house and i'm happy to live in it, it worth with the price that i pay.
this christmas, adik akan fly ke France, belajar?..hehehe tak pun..jadi babysitter (^^), lama jugak dalam 3 bulan. Hopefully, everthing will goes smoothly untuk dia fly dan pergi dan balik dalam keadaan selamat.
aku pulak bila nak fly? heemm ada banyak benda nak kena consider bila aku betul-betul nak fly. not just about money, sponsorship, title, university, but also my own family. really need to make a proper calculation.
anyway, this month would be the last month for this year and new year is just at the corner and my new age too!

Friday, December 01, 2006


actually nothing much to write today as the title..FROZEN. apa yg beku?....hehehehe...otak! Hem kerja government memang kurang sikit perkembangan otak tapi dalam area pendidikan perkara "beku" tak boleh wujud. sebab kalau cikgu beku makanya student lagi beku..takde peningkatan dan tiada perubahan dan akhirnya sampai bila-bila pun tiadanya kemajuan pada setiap generasi. huh! i really must do my phd in the way to certified my WORDS hahaha!

wokey tunggu next post as the brain melting down :D